Elysian Heights Arts Magnet (EHAM) is a magical public school, nestled in Echo Park serving 400 families from the eastside of LA and beyond.
EHAM incorporates year-round instruction in VISUAL ARTS, THEATER, MUSIC AND DANCE into the core curriculum for all students (TK-5th) and our waitlist continues to grow as word spreads about our dynamic arts programming and vibrant community.
The LA school district only covers about 2% of our arts program cost so the school relies heavily on the support of our families as well as on our Community Partners.
The Community Partners Program at EHAM plays a vital role in sustaining our underfunded arts programming.
Become a Community Partner and enjoy brand visibility and gain direct access to our dynamic community of families, all while providing crucial funding to benefit the next generation of creative leaders.
Friends of Elysian Heights is a 501c3 non-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible! Tax id #84-5042402
Get in touch! sponsorship@FriendsofElysianHeights.org
Thank you to our Community Partners:
Thank you to our In-Kind Partners:
Liquid Death
Enjoy Liquid Death at ALL EHAM events this school year!
Canyon Coffee
Events, teacher's lounge, meetings, bake sales... whenever we need coffee, Canyon has us covered.
LDI Connect
LDI is our go-to for our paper-printing needs. Every flyer and poster we distribute is generously printed by our friends at LDI.
Freshgreens Family Produce
Nearly every EHAM event includes beautiful fresh fruit, provided by our friends at Freshgreens Family Produce.